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高能生物离子高血压。脑中风治疗仪 品牌:天光高科 型号:LZKF-1(HNTG-161 产地:海南·海口 产品注册号: 用途: 医用 招商状态:招商中 招商区域:全国 浏览量:30577 我要留言 海南天光高科技开发有限公司
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  1. 恢复血管节律性舒缩,缓解管壁纤维化,改善血管狭窄状态,使血管软化,血压降低。
  2. 改善微循环,使得微血管开放,增加颅脑病变区域血供,改善脑组织的缺血损伤。
  3. 使神经细胞的膜内外电荷运动增加,改善神经炎症水肿,使神经元细胞活性增强,神经功能复活。
  4. 使肌肉被动节律性收缩,新陈代谢加快,减少乳酸的刺激作用,改善和提高肌力,有利肢体功能康复。

  1. 期治疗甚至治疗就可以明显改善高血压导致的头晕、头痛、失眠、神经衰弱等主要症状并可使脑血栓、脑梗塞等脑供血不足者头脑清醒,记忆力增强,手脚麻木症状改善或消失。
  2. 长期治疗可以保持血压稳定,并可逐步减少降压药用量,直至完全不用降压药。可以使脑中风偏瘫逐步恢复肢体功能。
  3. 单纯物理方式治疗,安全,无。
1. 高血压、脑动脉硬化、脑供血不足、头晕、头痛、失眠、神经衰弱。
2. 脑力过渡疲劳、脑功能衰退、头闷、头涨、记忆力减退等。
3. 脑血栓、脑栓塞、腔隙性脑梗塞、等缺血性脑病。
4. 高血压、脑血管病所致的中风后遗症、如失语、肢体功能障碍等。

Adaptation disease
a.Hypertension, cerebral arteriosclerosis, cerebral insufficiency, dizziness, headache, insomnia, neurasthenia.
b.Mental transition fatigue, brain function decline, headache, memory loss , and so on.
c.Cerebral thrombosis, cerebral embolism, lacunar infarction and ischemic encephalopathy.
d.The sequela of apoplexy caused by hypertension and vascular disease, such as aphasia, limb dysfunction..

1. 恶性肿瘤,骨质畸形,内出血,青光眼等重大疾病患者。
2. 精神病患者
3. 妊娠或哺乳期妇女。

Exclusion criteria
a.Patients with malignant tumors, bone deformities, internal bleeding, glaucoma and other serious diseases.
b.Psychiatric patients
c.Pregnant or lactating women
d.Children and patients in critical condition


Treatment arrangement
1.The treatment for hypertension disease

Adopting the head treatment of hypertension to make the treatment for two times a day , each time for 20 minutes. Course of treatment should be increased until the major indexes have improved to achieve effective standards if the efficacies of main symptoms have improved after six times’ treatments. Then take the re-examination and follow-up the efficacy after 30 days. Give up this treatment if it failed to improve the main symptom efficacy or major indexes after the treatment accumulated to ten times.

2.The treatment for stroke disease
Adopting the head treatment of stroke to make the treatment for two times a day , each time for 20 minutes. Course of treatment should be increased until the major indexes have improved to achieve effective standards if the efficacies of main symptoms have improved after six times’ treatments. Then take the re-examination and follow-up the efficacy after 30 days. Give up this treatment if it failed to improve the main symptom efficacy or major indexes after the treatment accumulated to ten times.

Adverse reactions

1. 临床研究详见山东省千佛山医院《高能生物离子治疗仪治疗缺血性中风的疗效观察》。
2. 《中药新药治疗中风病的临床研究指导原则》来源于1986中华全国中医学会内科学会修订的《中风病中医诊断及疗效评定标准》

●  临床疗效评定的依据
0级  能恢复工作或操持家务
1级  生活自理,独立生活,部分工作
2级  基本独立生活,小部分需人帮助
3级  部分生活活动可自理,大部分需人帮助
4级  可站立步行,但需人随时照料
5级  卧床、能坐、各项生活需人照料
6级  卧床、有部分意识活动,可喂食
7级  植物人状态
●    临床疗效评定分级标准
(1)基本  功能缺损评分减少90%以上,病残程度0级
(2)显著进步  功能缺损评分减少46%~89%,病残程度1~3级
(3)进步          功能缺损评分减少18%~45%。
(4)无变化      功能缺损评分减少或增加在18%以内。
(5)恶化          功能缺损评分增加18%以上。
● 中医症候疗效判断
  • 临床、中医临床症状、体征消失或基本消失,征候积分较少≥95%。
  • 显效中医临床症状、体征明显改善,证候积分减少≥70%,<95%。
  • 有效中医临床症状、体征均有好转,证候积分减少≥30%,<70%。
  • 无效中医临床症状、体征均无明显改善,甚或加重,证候积分减少不足30%。

    操作:按照治疗帽图示放置两个治疗物理探头(小或中号),将治疗帽(图1)戴在头上,治疗物理探头正确压在头部双侧血管舒缩区(图2圆圈是头部高血压穴),设置治疗时间为20分钟,缓慢调节微调使治疗电流增加至患者可耐受程度,佳治疗电流为5-6.5MA, 电流达不到时可加挡位,电流大不得超过7.5MA.

    A.Treatment operation of hypertension
    Head treatment: basic portion of hypertension treatment

    Operation: Place two treatment physical probes(small or medium) in the therapy cap as Figure 1, put the therapy cap on the head with the probes correct pressing on the bilateral vasomotor of the head. Set the treatment time for 20 minutes, then slowly adjusting the fine-tuning to make the treatment current increase to the patient tolerance. The best treatment current is 5-6.5 mA, plus the stalls when current is not enough, and the current should not exceed 7.5 mA.

    操作:按照治疗帽(图6)图示放置两个治疗物理探头(小号或中号),将治疗帽戴在头上,治疗物理探头正确压在头部双侧运动区(图7),按照上1/5是下肢,躯干运动区。中2/5是上肢运动区,下2/5是头面部运动区交替治疗,每个运动区设置治疗时间为20分钟,缓慢调节微调使治疗电流增加至患者可耐受程度,佳治疗电流为5-6.5MA, 电流达不到时可加挡位,大不得超过7.5MA.
    B. Treatment operation of stroke hemiplegia
    Head treatment: basic portion of hypertension treatment
    Operation: Place two treatment physical probes(small or medium) in the therapy cap as Figure 6, put the therapy cap on the head( as Figure 7) with the probes correct pressing on the bilateral motor areas of the head to make alternative treatment,upper 1/5 is the torso movement area of the lower extremity; Middle 2/5 is motor area of the upper extremity, under 2/5 is motor area of head and face. Set the treatment time for 20 minutes, then slowly adjusting the fine-tuning to make the treatment current increase to the patient tolerance. The best treatment current is 5-6.5 mA, plus the stalls when current is not enough, and the current should not exceed 7.5 mA.

    1. 治疗操作前必须认真阅读《高能生物离子高血压·脑中风治疗仪产品说明书》。
    2. 实施治疗前,先用生理盐水简单清洁施治部位皮肤,再用物理耗材直接作用于施治部位。
    3. 在气温较低的环境下治疗,需要用温水浸泡治疗物理探头,以免湿冻的物理探头刺激患者皮肤。
    4. 在治疗过程中,一般不需要考虑电压的高低,但要严格注意电流的变化,头部电流用量在7.5MA以内。
    5. 在治疗过程中,如患者诉说有轻度的皮肤不适症状,需向其耐心解释这是正常现象;如患者感觉难以忍受,则降低档位减轻刺激的程度。部分患者被治疗后,物理探头接触过的皮肤位置会出现过敏现象,可在治疗后涂抹医用凡士林减轻患者的不适感,并给患者适当提示以消除其顾虑。
    6. 在治疗过程中,如患者出现其它并发症状,应立即停止治疗并采取合适的救济措施处理。
    a. The product specification of high-energy bio-ion instrument for coronary artery disease must be read before operation.
    b. Clean the treatment site' skin with saline before the implementation of the treatment, then directly place the physical probes on the treatment sites
    c. It must strictly put attention to the change of the current, especially the head current must be within 7MA.
    d. It must be explained to the patients that it is a normal phenomenon if they complain the skin is a little uncomfortable during the treatment. Reduce the stalls to relieve the irritation if the patients feel unbearable. Smear medical Vaseline at the treatment sites to reduce patients’ discomfort after the treatment if patients' skin  contacted with physical probes appear to allergies. And appropriately prompt patients in order to eliminate their concerns.
    e. Immediately stop treating and to take appropriate relief measure if patients occur other concurrent symptoms in the course of treatment.

更多 高能生物离子高血压。脑中风治疗仪 价格、说明、厂家,请关注3618医疗器械网
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